Wednesday 27 October 2021

Blog post No 13. The new house guest has arrived.


Hello again.

My new foster brother has arrived.

I was told he was a Wire Haired Fox Terrier.

At the moment I, personally, think that he a cross between a WFT and a Mountain Goat.

He has lots of toys to play with, not to mention all his treats and chews.

He better not eat mine!

You may remember, I prefer not to share anything.

He does have quiet moments when he snoozes.

These are good for him and for me.

I am an agile lad and can keep up with life very well,

but oh boy this lad is a really busy bee.

I am making sure I have lots of naps each day.

I definitely need them.


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Barney 22nd April 2010  -  23rd November   2023. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜